Aku ditag oleh si sarah mama suri.. mmg senang je ape yg dia tag ni.. smbil mata mengantuk ni pun aku dapat buat...
The challenge is :
- GO to your photos folder in your computer
-GO to the 6th Folder of your photos
-GO to the 6th photos in that folder
-Put the picture on your blog & description of it.
-Invite 6 friends to join the challenge
-Link them in your blog & let they know they have been challenged.
-GO to the 6th Folder of your photos
-GO to the 6th photos in that folder
-Put the picture on your blog & description of it.
-Invite 6 friends to join the challenge
-Link them in your blog & let they know they have been challenged.
Dan Hasilnya ialah
first time kot aku jejak kaki kat teluk intan time ni..
ke sana sebab ada wedding job.. i enjoy every moment kat sana..
and i look lebih kecik daripada biasa.. huahuahua~
perasan! sangat sangat perasan!
ala .. kene jugak ke??kat ofis takde folder gmbr sndrik .. er .. mesti folder yg ke enam ke?? kalau ada dua je folder .. camno tu???hahahha
adoi kne tag? huh..
iejat , kalo folder ke dua pon bukannya org tau.. hahaha :P
erma - yela .. kita jujur orgnyer .. hehehhe
aduyaaiii ..aku pun kene ker..adehh..kalu aku cakap aku malas bleh???hahahaha..kay2 nanti aku buat...adehhh..
wakakkaka.. nasib ar... buat arrr.. tgk.. aku yg PEMALAS pun buat tau.. gara2 sayangkan SARAH.. insan yg mengtag aku.. wakakkakaka~
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